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Case Study - Review Report For Medimagery Website

A professional website review report for a medical imagery website, designed to improve performance and boost profits.

Review Brief

Website: medimagery.net

  • In general, the homepage looks nice. I'll focus mainly on the things that need to be changed in order to improve effectiveness and impact.
  • The top visual is an image slider. The problem with these sliders is that users (especially on mobiles) don't have the patience to stop and stare at these presentations. Most users will simply slide down the page. Furthermore, these sliders slow down pages, which is a problem for both, visitors and SEO. I'd replace the slider with one static image.
  • Whether you keep the slider or replace it with a static image, the top visual should not be "mute". You MUST add a powerful headline or statement over it.
  • The top area of your homepage is too crowded. The best practice is to place the business name/logo on the left and the navigation menu on the right. All the other elements must be replaced somewhere else. For example, there is no need to place the phone number and social media icons on top. They should be placed at the bottom of the page.
  • The problem with this crowded top area is that there is almost no content in the above-the-folder area. Above-the-folder is the area users see on mobiles before scrolling down the page. Search engines give high priority to pages that have content in this area.
  • Talking about the top area, your logo is much too big on mobiles and takes up too much space.
  • You have 4 phrases on top of your page: anatomical accuracy visual solutions, medical illustration & stock art, medical imagery studios and combining the beauty of art and science. First, don't use your business name as a headline or title. This is a mistake. Second, this slogans mashup is confusing and doesn't make a good impression. In my opinion you need one main headline over the visual and a sub header. For example: Medical Illustration Studio
    Combining science with the beauty of art.
    Visualizing Medical Anatomy
    Extensive medical illustration & stock art.
  • On the navigation menu, don't place about before services. Users never read about a business before reading first about its offers. That's why about us pages are among the least visited pages.
  • Instead of "as medical illustrators"..., I'd start the opening text with something like: "Medimagery is a leading/prime art studio, specialized in...". Since this is your homepage and not the about us page, you should focus the text on what you do and how clients can benefit, not on expertise.
  • The following section displays 12 images. I'd place these images on a separate "gallery" page. Instead of these images, I'd place 3-4 cards. Cards are columns. Each column includes a short title, an image below the title, and a short description below the image. Each column should be linked to the respective inner page. For example, the first card can be "medical illustration". Under the medical illustration you can put a relevant medical illustration and add a short description about this topic. These cards are very effective because they help visitors understand your offers and click the links they need.
  • "Making ideas come to life" is an overused phrase. As an art studio I'd use something more original.
  • What we do and what we can do for you are pretty similar. Besides, if you'll use cards you won't need this section.
  • The about us is fine. But the medical illustration page looks a bit too...boring. I'd expect to see a few more images on a web page about illustrations. What you need to do is split the large block of text into several paragraphs, and add a few more images to each one of them.

case study

These are just a few preliminary comments. A detailed report has been created for the business owner.

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I am Eddie, owner of Ediwriter.com. I specialize in developing persuasive website content, producing creative branding and building powerful websites.

Ediwriter is all about creativity, insight and competence - the single most important elements that distinguish excellence from mediocrity. My work affects impressions, opinions and decisions. My job is to shape your business image and increase the credibility of your messages. I do that successfully since 2001. Work with me and you'll be proud of your choice!